



Ikh hob far dir a sod 01:46

Liner Notes

Ikh hob far dir a sod (1945) is a love song to the composer’s wife, Sarah Naomi. The piano part alternates between passages of enriched diatonic harmony and sections that utilize the whole-tone scale—similar to the technique of Debussy.

By: Yehudi Wyner



Poet: Nahum Baruch Minkoff (1893–1958)

I have a sweet secret for you,
A word, a one and only word.

In the chaos you carry yourself haughtily
And I am carried off far from your place.

I do not cease to spin dreams for you,
Secret labyrinths through my dream;

When the day arrives, it all vanishes.
Where shall I find you?

Now you’re here,
And suddenly you’ve vanished into the deep abyss.

I have a sweet secret for you,
A word, a one and only word.

You light up, your eyes are closing.
And I, I still seek
Your hallowed place.

Poet: Nahum Baruch Minkoff (1893–1958)

ikh hob far dir a sod a zisn
a vort, an eyn un eyntsik vort.

in virvar trogstu zikh farrisn
un ikh vayt fartrogn fun dayn ort.

ikh her nit oyf khaloymes tsu dir shpinen,
geheyme labirintn durkh mayn troym;

bay tog vert alts tserunen,
vu zol ikh dikh gefinen?

ot bist du do
un shoyn farshvundn in dem tifn thom.

ikh hob far dir a sod a zisn
a vort, an eyn un eyntsik vort.

loykhst uf, es haltn dayne oygn zikh in shlisn.
un ikh, ikh zukh nokh alts um dayn geheylikt ort.



Composer: Lazar Weiner

Length: 01:46
Genre: Art Song

Performers: Elizabeth Shammash, Mezzo-soprano;  Yehudi Wyner, Piano

Date Recorded: 12/01/2001
Venue: Lefrak Concert Hall/Colden Center for the Arts (D), Flushing, New York
Engineer: Lazarus, Tom
Assistant Engineer: Frost, David
Project Manager: Schwendener, Paul

Additional Credits:

Translations and Transliterations: Eliyahu Mishulovin
Preliminary preparations by Adam J. Levitin


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