The Suite Jewish Life — Virtual Exhibit Continues

April 03, 2019

Part three of our multi-part virtual exhibit "Symphonic Music of Jewish Experience"—now live on our website—focuses on suites drawn from Hasidic life, Jewish legends and the promise of Zion.

All of history can be viewed as a series of events that tell a greater story. While not unique to Jewish history, the series of events that in many ways define religious and cultural Jewish traditions today were disruptive, often nearly terminal. Much of Jewish culture throughout the ages may have been lost to time if not for periodic concerted efforts to reconnect to the traditions that came before.

In music, a suite is a series of instrumental compositions written to be performed (and listened to) sequentially, thus telling a greater story. Like many others before and since, the composers featured in our exhibit reached into Jewish history ancient and recent. Their music brings forward the culture and traditions of the Jewish diaspora, and even helped establish the new traditions of Palestine.

The exhibit features work by:

Joseph Achron
Herman Berlinski
Ernest Bloch
Julius Chajes
Abraham Ellstein
Darius Milhaud
Walter Scharf
Leon Stein
Stephan Wolpe

Get the history and the backstory as you listen to the music and watch the videos of Jewish suites:


Media Inquiries

Bonnie Somers
Senior Vice President, Communications
(310) 570-4770


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