A New Album Reaches Out and Raises Hope

February 09, 2021

Our first new album in five years is now available for purchase or free streaming on Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon Music and most major digital music platforms.

Many great stories start when a hero speaks up or acts—often at great personal risk—against injustice in the status quo. This initial refusal to remain silent can transform into a mission to make the world a better place. Such was the case for Rabbi Joachim Prinz (image above, courtesy of Jonathan Prinz), a rabbi and activist who spoke out against the rise of anti-Semitism in Germany in the 1920s and 30s and later became a prominent voice of the Civil Rights Movement in the U.S. Prinz's life is the basis of Bruce Adolphe's new album, "I Will Not Remain Silent - Reach Out, Raise Hope, Change Society."

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Explore the Album

I Will Not Remain Silent is a two-movement violin concerto that depicts the broad arc of Prinz’s life from Europe to America. The violin—an instrument Adolphe sees as “profoundly tied to Jewish musical identity”—represents Prinz as an orator and prophet, the voice that refuses to remain silent in the face of violence and opposition.

Reach Out, Raise Hope, Change Society is a ten-movement cantata that juxtaposes some of Prinz’s words with social justice-themed texts by other writers and activists, including Chief Joseph, Carolivia Herron, and June Jordan.

We invite you to listen to the album, experience the journey and be inspired to raise hope in the world around you.

Listen On:  Apple Music Spotify Amazon Music

Congratulations to the 10 fans who won our album giveaway. If you did not win this time, more opportunities are ahead starting with Pesach next month.

Media Inquiries
Email: media@milkenarchive.org

Bonnie Somers
Senior Vice President, Communications
(310) 570-4770


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